by AMIDigitalAdmin | Nov 27, 2018 | Dynamis
There seems to be a growing number of children today showing signs of anxiety in younger ages. As I sit through parent/teacher conferences, I am consistently seeing a pattern of this from our middle school aged children and younger. In fact, I would say over the last...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Nov 20, 2018 | Dynamis
Thanksgiving is a special time of year, wouldn’t you agree? It’s a time for us to take a pause from the busy lives we lead and be thankful for the many things we have been given. Let’s take a moment and just think about those things. I know I am personally thankful...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Nov 13, 2018 | Dynamis
So now that you’ve gotten your kids this far up to their sophomore, junior or senior year of high school, you should be able to sit back and relax a little, right? Well, not exactly. For many of you, the prospect of college looms brightly in the air. And of course...