Tips for Graduating Debt-Free from College
Early Financial Planning for College = Graduating Debt-Free
Narrative: Elizabeth Rosner is a certified trainer for Martin Luther King’s philosophy and methodology of nonviolence and the founder of Thriving with Dr. Roz, an organization whose mission is to guide young people in discovering their purpose and passions using Elizabeth’s proven blueprint GRIT. The organization also teaches students to create wealth by graduating debt-free so that they can launch into their ideal career with financial freedom.
On this episode of Smart Parents Successful Students, you will hear:
How high schoolers can begin planning so that they graduate debt-free
- The GRIT blueprint for a debt-free degree
- Ways students can save money while in college
- Types of financial aid available for college
- When students need to start looking for scholarships, etc. to pay for college
- The types of programs that repay student loans
Elizabeth can be reached at DrRoz@DrElizabethRosner.com or at 415-964-1199. Find her on Patreon at www.patreon.com/debtfreedegree and on Facebook at debtfreedegreewithdrroz and DebtFreeDegreewithDrRoz. Send an email to DrRoz@DrElizabethRosner.com with Smart Parents, Successful Students Podcast in the subject line to request a consultation.