The Key to Choosing a Good Pediatrician for Kids

Dr. Kimberly N. Works, MD, FAAP, is a Board-Certified Pediatrician and Certified Lactation Counselor who brings high-quality and personalized pediatric care to “little ones” and adolescents. Four years after her residency, she decided to open Pediatric Works because she was frustrated with the impersonal corporate approach to health care that caused feelings of uncertainty in its future. Dr. Works decided it was time to go back to practicing medicine the way it used to be, with a focus on the personal relationship between the patient and the doctor.

On this episode of Smart Parents Successful Students, you will hear:

  • What questions parents should ask a potential pediatrician for their child
  • Why building a personal relationship with your child’s pediatrician is key
  • Which shared values parents should look for when seeking a pediatrician
  • When is the best time to interview a potential pediatrician
  • How the concierge approach to medicine differs from traditional primary care

Dr. Works invites you to go to and select a meet/greet.  She can also be reached at

You can find Dynamis Learning on all the social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Helen can be reached at

To schedule a free consultation to discuss your child’s needs including advocacy resources, academic planning, and/or obtain a tutor for your child, contact Helen Panos at 770-282-9931 or email her at the email address above.