The Essence of Connections with Kids
Tina Donovan is the owner of Discovery Tales. She helps children transform their aggressive behaviors into stellar ones. Growing up without a connection, Tina’s superpower was the ability to find people that could help find her way. When she began working in juvenile court, she saw the depth and breadth of anger in our society. In one year and in one county, she had over 24,000 referrals. Tina developed an anger management program and did research in the areas of connection, anger, social skills, and bibliotherapy. She discovered that 40% of children did not have a secure attachment with either parent. The flip side of anger is the ability to self-regulate, and research indicates that self-regulation predicts a child’s success more than any other factor including IQ/family background. Research also indicates that children learn their moral values from superheroes they watch on television. Thus, Tina has developed a superhero called Sparky, who is a 500-year-old star that has helped children connect with their emotions.
On this episode of Smart Parents Successful Students, you will hear:
- How Discovery Tales can help children be successful
- Tina explain how Connection works and what it means to her
- Several ways to help parents find out if their child feels connected to them
- Suggestions that help children with anger management
You can find Dynamis Learning on all the social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Helen can be reached at info@dynamislearningacademy.com.
You can reach Tina at tina@tinadonovan.org. Her website is www.discoverytales.org. You can also find her on social media on Facebook at Discovery Tales or on her LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/discoverytales. You can reach out to her if you would like a copy of the book, The Stellar Way, Discovering the Star Within or you can find it on Amazon. You can also email her to get a supplement of the book that parents have found to be helpful in the home environment. This is available for a special discounted price if you mention this podcast.
To schedule a free consultation to discuss your child’s needs including tutoring, advocacy resources, academic planning, SAT/ACT and more, contact Helen Panos of Dynamis Learning at 770-282-9931 or email her at the email address listed above.