by AMIDigitalAdmin | Oct 9, 2018 | Dynamis
Yes, the school year has begun and so has the testing! No matter what your thoughts are on these standardized tests, they can be compared somewhat to taxes…they’re both inevitable. So, how can we help our kids do better on these tests, thus alleviating some of their...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Sep 19, 2017 | Dynamis
Yes, the school year has begun and so has the testing! No matter what your thoughts are on these standardized tests, they can be compared somewhat to taxes…they’re both inevitable. So, how can we help our kids do better on these tests, thus alleviating some of their...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Aug 28, 2017 | Dynamis
Think about the last time you went out to dinner as a family, does your stomach do an uncomfortable flip? Are you remembering the tantrum your child threw when the waitress brought them sweet potato instead of regular fries? Have you just resigned yourself to the fact...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Apr 11, 2017 | Dynamis
Well, it certainly is that time of year again. The temperatures are rising and the days are longer. New growth has sprouted up and spewed forth from the dogwoods and azaleas. That dreaded but familiar yellow green substance covers everything outside. The allergy...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Nov 26, 2016 | Dynamis
5 Essential Tips to Help Children Become More Productive In this video, the founder of Dynamis Learning Academy shares with parents 5 essential tips to help their children become more productive. Below is the transcript from the video: Hi. I’m Helen with Dynamis...