by AMIDigitalAdmin | Mar 5, 2024 | Dynamis
Yes, it’s time for standardized testing again! No matter what your thoughts are on these standardized tests, they can be compared somewhat to taxes…they’re both inevitable. So, how can we help our kids do better on these tests, thus alleviating some of their...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Mar 9, 2021 | Dynamis
Well, it’s that time again, the written portion of the standardized test. You’ve had a hard time with these types of questions before, so you have little confidence this time will be any different. But, wait! Here’s an acronym and formula that, not only can you...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Mar 2, 2021 | Dynamis
The students are all quiet, papers are passed out, pencils sharpened, and there’s a hint of anxious anticipation in the air. Yes, it’s testing time again. And there are several of them during the year. Whether it’s the county interim tests, the IOWAs, or the GA...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Feb 23, 2021 | Dynamis
Have you ever been taking a reading test, read the passage, and then looked at the answer options and could swear they all belonged to some passage other than the one you just read? I think this has happened to every single one of us at some point. So, just how do we...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Feb 16, 2021 | Dynamis
Yes, the school year has begun and so has the testing! No matter what your thoughts are on these standardized tests, they can be compared somewhat to taxes…they’re both inevitable. So, how can we help our kids do better on these tests, thus alleviating some of their...