by AMIDigitalAdmin | May 10, 2022 | Dynamis
They grow up too quickly! Parents have been known to use this phrase often as they watch their children progress through various stages of life – baby, toddler, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and their professional career. However, even...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | May 3, 2022 | Dynamis
“Mom, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner? I want some chicken nuggets and fries. Oh, can we get a milkshake for dessert too?” When you suggest a salad or some lean meat and vegetables instead, a chorus of whines and objections erupt from the backseat. Despite your...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Apr 26, 2022 | Dynamis
Have you ever heard of a ‘lightbulb’ moment? I am sure you have! It’s one of those moments we experience where a thought or feeling randomly pops into our heads that answers or solves an ongoing dilemma in our lives. It’s a sudden, intuitive feeling that appears to...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Apr 19, 2022 | Dynamis
Imagine the following scenario at home. Your home looks a little out of sorts. Clothes are thrown everywhere! You’ve found part of your clean uniform, but the other half looks like it’s been chewed on by the dog. Your book bag has been taken by aliens because you’ve...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Apr 12, 2022 | Dynamis
Feeling overstimulated and overstressed? Does your heart sometimes beat rapidly and you find you’re having more headaches and stomach aches? Believe it or not, these symptoms do not solely belong to adults. Experts are finding more and more anxiety related conditions...