Support Systems for Parenting, Mental Health and Special Needs
Teresa Wright Johnson helps parents by focusing and training them on topics such as parenting, mental health and special needs. She provides supports through her organization called Mom Biz Boss. Her passion comes from helping mothers especially as she is the mother of 4 children, one who had special needs.
On this episode of Achieving Your Child’s Potential Podcast, you will hear:
- What MOM actually stands for (the acronym)
- How you take your lived experience and help yourself and others in the community
- Curriculum training for parents/Child development teen crisis
- Building a support system
- Being able to say ‘No’ as a mom to all the commitments
- Setting boundaries with children
- Know when to walk away/coping skills
- Activities to help children with their mental health: (anxiety, depression, etc.)
Contact Teresa Wright Johnson for a “Get to Know You” chat at mombizbosses@gmail.com
Her website is www.twjme.com