Start Early: Pre-Teen Planning for Post-Secondary Success
Veteran educator, Erica Peddi, has taught in Cobb County, and currently teaches in Fulton County, Georgia. Specializing in chemistry, Erica has taught many of the science courses offered by most districts. She is currently working on her Ph.D. in education with an emphasis on curriculum and instruction at Mercer University. Erica has also tutored for the last ten years, and she strives to help all children reach their highest potential in their coursework.
On this episode of Smart Parents Successful Students, you will hear:
- At what age kids should begin to plan for post-secondary success
- The types of career interest diagnostic tools available to students
- The benefits of taking electives in middle school
- Tips for tweaking a child’s class schedule to create the best outcome
- Ways that parents can help kids advocate for themselves without helicoptering
- How to successfully incorporate rigor into a child’s schedule
You can find Dynamis Learning Academy on all the social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Helen can be reached at Helen@dynamislearningacademy.com.
To schedule a free consultation, discuss your child’s needs in terms of preparing for post-secondary success, and/or obtain a tutor for your child, contact Helen at 770-282-9931 or email her at Helen@dynamislearningacademy.com.
Join us for a FREE Study Skills Webinar on Thursday, 1/26/23 at 7:30 pm for grades 6th – 12th. Parents and students should attend. Please register at the link below for a Zoom link 24 hours in advance: https://bit.ly/3hg8oNo.