Helping Children Be Successful with Dyslexia
Strengthening the Parent’s Role = Kids Who Thrive
Narrative: Tina Engberg is currently the State Leader of Decoding Dyslexia Georgia (DDGA). She is actively involved in the legislative side of the DDGA work and is currently working to ensure that the parent voice is heard as the elements of SB48 are implemented by the Department of Education and the State Board. Tina has been actively involved in dyslexia advocacy since her son, a profound dyslexic who’s now in 10th grade, was diagnosed in kindergarten. She is keenly interested in the science of reading, effective educational interventions, and the mental health issues that surround dyslexia. A native of Atlanta, Tina is a graduate of Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.
On this episode of Smart Parents Successful Students, you will hear:
- Ways parents can help kids with the social and emotional effects of dyslexia
- Tips for strengthening the parent’s role to help their child thrive
- How to be your child’s cheerleader at school
- What parents can do to help their child with dyslexia be successful
- How an IEP and a 504 Plan can help kids with disabilities
- The importance of connecting with other parents of children who have dyslexia
Tina can be reached at decodingdyslexiageorgia@gmail.com and https://decodingdyslexiaga.com/. Find her on Facebook at decodingdyslexiaga, on Instagram @ddga13, and on Twitter @DDGA13. To get more involved, Tina recommends joining one of the Decoding Dyslexia chapters that are located in every state and in several Canadian provinces.