Cracking the Code to Free College for Kids
International best-selling author and TEDxTenayaPaseo speaker Denise Thomas inspires, educates, and equips parents in taking an active role in supporting their children to live a life of financial freedom. She tells parents, “Keep your money, and let your kids go to college on other people’s cash!” Denise coaches parents of college-bound teens by helping the kids graduate college debt-free using her proprietary, repeatable strategy, “Cracking the Code to Free College” which resulted in her children attending their first-choice college on 17 scholarships exceeding $199,000 and leaving college with cash in hand.
On this episode of Smart Parents Successful Students you will hear:
- Why it’s important to graduate college without debt
- When to start preparing kids for college
- The reasons why teens are not graduating college debt-free
- The difference between college students who graduate with debt and those who graduate debt-free
- What myths may be heard about attending college
- Strategies for parents to help kids graduate college debt-free
Denise can be reached at getaheadoftheclass@gmail.com and https://www.GetAheadOfTheClass.com. Find her on Facebook at ParentsTalkCollegeAndScholarships and at LinkedIn at denisethomasdebtfreecollege/. Go to GetAheadOfTheClass.com to get your Free Scholarship Checklist and “12 Winning Scholarship Secrets – Tips from Prestigious Scholarship Judges.”