by AMIDigitalAdmin | Jun 13, 2023 | Podcasts, Season 8
How to Improve Your Connection With Your T(w)een Clarissa Constantine is part of Parent T(w)een Connection, a community of parents with kids between the ages of 10 & 20 and the professionals who support them. The community is a place where they talk about...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Jun 6, 2023 | Dynamis
Aaaah, the summer weather is upon us already. My neighborhood pool sits, glistening in the sun, waiting to open its gates and let in the sunbathers, swimmers, and general fun seekers. Its clear, cool water whispers to us, like a mythical siren calls to its mate. It’s...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Jun 6, 2023 | Podcasts, Season 8
How to Raise Financially Successful Kids Christina Rosenberg is the co-founder and CEO of Kid Millionaire where the company provides the real support needed to engage kids and reveal the unlimited opportunity they possess when they leverage the talents that lie within...