by AMIDigitalAdmin | Oct 26, 2021 | Dynamis
Do you have a child who wants to go to college but the admission application process seems daunting? With all of the colleges having different requirements, it’s hard to know what elements to focus on and where to start. The college admission landscape has changed...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Oct 19, 2021 | Dynamis
When it comes to college admissions testing, schools start preparing students in the 8th grade for the SAT and ACT. It is estimated that 2.2 million students take the SAT versus 1.8 million who take the ACT. If you have a child who plans on attending college, we...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Oct 19, 2021 | Podcasts, Season 3
How to Build a Success Mindset in Your Kids and Make a Great School Year So Much Easier Aviva Black is a former middle school and high school teacher/administrator and yoga teacher. She has coupled her love of teaching, learning, and reflection with a desire to...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Oct 12, 2021 | Dynamis
As a parent what is your favorite time of day? Have you ever considered the answer? There are many probable answers that would not include “homework time”. As parents, don’t we hate the word almost as much as when we were kids? Even though we now know why it must...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Oct 12, 2021 | Podcasts, Season 3
How to Make Sure Your Children Are Performing at School as Parents Navigate the Divorce Process Dr. Susan Korb Bernstein is an experienced school teacher, administrator, college professor, and educational consultant, and a mother of three children—one of whom has...