by AMIDigitalAdmin | Jun 29, 2021 | Dynamis
As the sky darkens and the people gather, anticipating that patriotic show of lights, a small child wonders… He/she knows Christmas is about God, Thanksgiving is about the Pilgrims and turkey. But what exactly is the 4th of July all about? They don’t talk much about...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Jun 29, 2021 | Podcasts, Season 2
Mindful Parenting Techniques Anita Prendergast is the founder of Village Academy for Families and a licensed massage therapist. After 20 years helping children and adults recover from physical and mental stress, and dealing with her own parental burnout, Anita...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Jun 22, 2021 | Dynamis
Current statistics indicate that the summer learning loss phenomena is one of the most significant causes of the achievement gap between lower and higher income students. Additionally, it is a prominent contributor to our nation’s high school dropout rate. For many of...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Jun 22, 2021 | Podcasts, Season 2
Gaming: The Benefits to Children from a Parental Experience Having served as a member of two of the top morning shows in the city’s history, Melissa Carter is a familiar voice in Atlanta. She has also been a part of a nationally-syndicated team on the Westwood One...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Jun 15, 2021 | Dynamis
Over the summer break, your student will lose 2.6 months of math skills, 2 months of reading skills, and the equivalent of 1 month of overall learning. Additionally, your child will have to spend the first six weeks of school in the Fall to recover this learning. But...