by AMIDigitalAdmin | Sep 24, 2019 | Dynamis
Yes, the school year has begun and so has the testing! No matter what your thoughts are on these standardized tests, they can be compared somewhat to taxes…they’re both inevitable. So, how can we help our kids do better on these tests, thus alleviating some of their...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Sep 10, 2019 | Dynamis
It’s a question a lot of teachers hear, and one you may have asked yourself: Does my child qualify for gifted programs? Today, gifted programs start early in elementary schools and can carry on all the way through high school. Many parents and students are feeling the...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Sep 3, 2019 | Dynamis
Does your child show any signs of losing papers, not getting homework or projects done in a timely manner? This could be a sign of executive functioning issues. At first, this may sound like complicated terminology, but it actually represents the most fundamental...