by AMIDigitalAdmin | Mar 19, 2018 | Dynamis
SAT or ACT? Many students will be looking to take some practice SAT tests pretty soon, or they may be looking for a tutor to assist them with test taking strategies for these type of standardized tests. The two tests most high school students take, SAT and ACT are...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Mar 12, 2018 | Dynamis
It’s a question a lot of teachers hear, and one you may have asked yourself: Does my child qualify for gifted programs? Today, gifted programs start early in elementary schools and can carry on all the way through high school. Many parents and students are feeling the...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Mar 6, 2018 | Dynamis
It’s that time of year when the weather starts to improve and flowers are about to bloom! Springtime is around the corner and with it the mounting stress of standardized testing. In a time when performance standards tests are given in early elementary and middle...