by AMIDigitalAdmin | Aug 22, 2017 | Dynamis
It’s the second week back at school. The newness has already worn off and the struggle has begun. Clothes are strewn across the floor like fall leaves after a heavy storm. You’ve found part of your clean uniform, but the other half looks like it’s been chewed on by...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Aug 15, 2017 | Dynamis
Feeling overstimulated and overstressed? Does your heart sometimes beat rapidly and you find you’re having more headaches and stomach aches? Believe it or not, these symptoms do not solely belong to adults. Experts are finding more and more anxiety related conditions...
by AMIDigitalAdmin | Aug 3, 2017 | Dynamis
Is someone in your household currently feeling frazzled, anxious, excited, uncertain, nervous, or elated? If you have school aged children, the chances are very good you can emphatically answer “yes” to this question. It seems that time is upon us already, and...